Day 7.
"Welcome back, class! Today we will be studying the ravenous Chinese Chomping Cabbage. I hope you brought snacks! The Chinese Chomping Cabbage has a big appetite, but you'll learn that soon enough. Let's start by learning how to avoid getting chomped by the Chinese Chomping Cabbage."
— Professor Sprout to her fifth-year Herbology students
During the 19th century, an unidentified Dark wizard attempted to take over the British Ministry of Magic with some Chinese Chomping Cabbages, but he was stopped by Helen Thistlewood, an Auror, who was armed only with a basket of Bouncing Bulbs.
18 Rows on SOCK B
Select a deep purple for the teeth and the color of your favorite vegetable for the inside. Knit the CHART linked. For toe-up socks, start at the bottom right at 1. For cuff-down socks, start at the top left at 1. The gray stitches are omitted for the 68-st sock and included for the 72-st sock.
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