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Day 22 Sagitta

DAY 22

3 rounds on sock B

Sagitta is a  distinctive constellation in the northern sky. Its name is Latin for 'arrow', not to be confused with the significantly larger constellation Sagittarius 'the archer'. It was included among the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy, and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations defined by the International Astronomical Union. 

Gamma Sagittae is the constellation's brightest star. Epsilon, Zeta, and Theta Sagittae are each multiple stars whose components can be seen in small telescopes. V Sagittae is a cataclysmic variable—a binary star system composed of a white dwarf accreting mass of a donor star that is expected to go nova and briefly become the most luminous star in the Milky Way and one of the brightest stars in our sky around the year 2083. Two star systems in Sagitta are known to have Jupiter-like planets, while a third—15 Sagittae—has a brown dwarf companion.

The ancient Greeks called Sagitta Oistos 'the arrow', and it was regarded as the weapon that Hercules used to kill the eagle (Aquila) of Jove that perpetually gnawed Prometheus' liver. Sagitta is located beyond the north border of Aquila, the Eagle. 


using a brown for the arrow or a grey for a metal arrowhead (or any colour that you can think of for a flint arrowhead - and if you think all flint is grey or white I have a mustard coloured flint blade and have seen flint nodules in a beautiful deep red in Italy). Work the chart found HERE. For toe-up socks, start at the bottom right at 1. For cuff-down socks, start at the top left at 1. The pink outlined stitches are omitted for the 68-st sock and included for the 72-st sock.
