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Day 16 Triangulum

Triangulum the Triangle is a constellation in northern skies that you can best spot in late autumn or early winter. It lies northeast of the Great Square of Pegasus and below Cassiopeia's “W” shape.

While there are several dim galaxies in Triangulum, there is only one here that draws the attention of amateur astronomers. It’s one of the brighter galaxies in the sky: the Triangulum galaxy. It also has the nickname of the Pinwheel galaxy, but that can get confusing because there’s another galaxy with the same name in Ursa Major.

Prompt: 9 rounds on sock A

Using two contrasting colors of your choice work the chart found here. For toe-up socks, start at the bottom right at 1. For cuff-down socks, start at the top left at 1. The gray stitches are omitted for the 68-st sock and included for the 72-st sock.
