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Day 18 - Knissomancy

Knissomancy-7 rounds of Sock B

If we read that quickly one might think we are studying Divination by kissing. No, my lovelies we are learning about kNissomancy today. Knissomancy is the art of divining the smoke from burning frankincense.

How exactly does this work? The diviner asks a question and drops the frankincense resin onto a fire. The smoke dictates the outcome.

Caesar Longinus, in his ‘Trinum Magicum Sive Secretorum Magicorum Opus’ (1673), “…in which powdered resin was thrown into the flames. If the flame rose in one, it was a good sign; if lambent and divided, unfortunate; if in three points, a glorious eventum or result; if much dispersed, an ill death; if crackling or snapping, misfortune; if it was very suddenly extinguished, great danger.”

That quote reminds me of Professor Trelawney and her dire predictions on the first day of class each year. Today you will be knitting the next 7 rows of this chart on SOCK B. Please choose one color that pleases you from this image.
