Day 24 - 1 row on Sock A Dactylomancy In modern dactylomancy, a ring is suspended like a pendulum above a surface that is marked with letters or symbols. The direction of the swing indicates which symbols are to be consulted, or which letters are to be formed into a message, in response to a specific question. Another form follows a similar pattern as Seance table-rapping. In it a ring is suspended from a tumblers so it may touch the sides of swung. The code is agreed upon ahead of time (e.g. 1 for yes, 2 for no). A question is posed and the number of times the ring strikes the tumbler is interpreted as being the answer. PROMPT Have your own dactylomancy session. Using either type of dactylomancy mentioned above, select a color to knit your stripe. For example, place small pieces of paper on a table with color names and set up your own ring pendulum. Or, using your pendulum and tumbler, ask if you should use a specific color. Ask u...